The benefits of playing video games are many. Have you ever wished you could live different lives, like a brave knight or a powerful wizard? Maybe you want to solve mysteries or build amazing things. Accessible gaming can let us do all that and more.
They are also a great way to unwind, challenge ourselves, and even explore entirely new worlds.
But did you know accessible gaming can be more than just fun? Here are other ways it can benefit you.
How do you benefit from gaming?

Games can make our brains even sharper
Many accessible games have challenges that need you to think and react quickly. This is especially true if you don’t get several attempts. This trains your brain to make decisions faster and helps you stay alert, improving everyday life skills in the process.
Other games ask you to remember important information, such as instructions, maps or patterns. The more you play, the better your brain gets at remembering important information in real life, too, like homework or directions to a friend’s house.
Games can help our bodies get stronger
Video games that make you move often, like swinging, punching, or dancing, help your muscles get stronger. When you do these movements repeatedly, it builds your muscles bit by bit, just like lifting weights at the gym. When you increase the difficulty settings, you can get stronger.
In recent years, video game developers have developed games with technologies that make you match your body movements to what you see on the screen. These games help you stay steady and keep you from falling over easily.
When you play games that help you stretch, twist, and bend more, you exercise your body to become more flexible.
Games can help us feel happier and calmer
When you’re focused on a game, your worries can disappear for a little while. This is especially true if you are so focused on solutions that you feel like you’re in a different world. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or in pain, a good game can help you focus on something more enjoyable.
Some games can also be very relaxing. The fun challenges and colourful worlds help you calm down and feel positive about life. Accessible gaming with good audio or music can also lessen our stress. And importantly, everybody needs a little downtime for leisure and recreation, and that is especially true for those with disability.
Games can teach us important information
Gaming can also provide education by teaching us new things and useful skills in real life. For instance, many game developers have improved accessibility features by adding closed captions. Reading these captions teaches you new words.
Some games can even support language learning or teach you about things that happened in the past.
Games that ask you to build things or use things wisely teach you about planning and being careful about choices.
Games can help you connect with others
Another benefit of gaming is that it helps you build your social skills. For example, you can find a gaming community for just about every kind of game. You’re sure to find other gamers or people who love the same games as you and have similar experiences. You can then support each other and become friends.
If you have friends who live far away, you can chat, play together, and feel connected in the online world even if you can’t be in the same place.
Building social skills at Mambourin
Do you want to find more ways to build social skills or participate in more community activities for adults with a disability? We offer a range of Social and Interest Choices that will enhance your social participation and teach you new skills. Contact our friendly team or reach out to us on 9731 9200 to learn more.