Hi, it’s Caitlin and Monica.
Here we are back in lockdown again. I understand completely why we are back in lockdown, it’s just frustrating. On 20 July it was my birthday, and I was meant to celebrate my birthday with my family, but I had to cancel that because of lockdown. When we cancelled, I was upset and angry. I just hope we can get out of lockdown soon. Honestly, I miss my friends and I miss going to my course and I’m missing my family that I can’t see because of lockdown. But in another way, I’m kind of used to being in lockdown now. It’s probably not a good thing to say, but it’s how I feel, and I think a lot of other people would feel the same way.
As we are in lockdown my School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) program has had to go online. We have been doing some different activities, we had to write down three good things about ourselves that are positive. We did a project, and I did my project on the Titanic. The project was to understand what you were reading, and then write it in your own words after you researched the topic. We did some debating – that was fun, I really enjoyed that. We watched Behind the News. To be honest, I’d rather go to my course than be online.
Monica has shared with me what she did over the weekend in lockdown. With her mum she made two mango sponge cakes, but she hadn’t tried it yet. They also watched the Tokyo Olympics on TV during their dinner. They had pho for dinner and enjoyed it.

Monica and Caitlin on a class trip before lockdown
To find out more about our SLES program visit our School Leaver Employment Support page.
Want to know if SLES is right for you? Contact one of our friendly team members on 9731 9200 or email us at hello@mambourin.org