
Mambourin strengthens ties with the National Disability Service (NDS)

NDS Board election results

National Disability Services (NDS) is Australia’s peak body for non-government disability service organisations. NDS is the only organisation that represents the full spectrum of disability service providers across the country. Members range in size from small support groups to large multi-service and multi-state organisations, and collectively, NDS members support hundreds of thousands of Australians living with disability.

NDS is governed by a national board which includes the elected chair from each state and territory, as well as representatives elected directly by members. Mambourin’s chief executive Rohan Braddy has been an elected director on the Board since 2010. Rohan is the Chair of the National Committee on Supported Employment and was previously Chair of the Risk, Audit and Investments Committee.

At the last NDS Board meeting, the Board elected Rohan to the position of Vice-President. Rohan’s appointment to the role is worthy recognition of his long and productive career in the disability sector.

“It really reflects well on Mambourin. I wouldn’t be elected to the position if the organisation I represent wasn’t held in high regard,” Rohan said.

Certainly, each and every staff member and person that Mambourin supports can share this as great acknowledgement of the many achievements across the organisation.

Importantly, through this role and together with the rest of the NDS Board, Rohan will be in a position to exert greater influence on government and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to improve services to people with disability.

NDS provides members with a strong voice, enabling the sector to collectively initiate change, influence outcomes and deliver the funding needed to ensure the best possible quality of life for people with disability.

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